Aloe Vera the plant I like to call "The Peaceful Cactus" full of vitamins and minerals and a great source of water. When put into a drink full of fruits and vegetables this drink is overflowing with nutritional values and as a Youtuber who sits in front of her desk all day this quick healthy alternative to soda really makes it easier on my day of recording and editing! Now let's get to the juicy squeeze of this drink.
12 fruits: I'm not sure what all the fruits and vegetables are in this drink but from what the bottle shows we have...
1. Apples
2. Oranges
3. Grapes
4. Pineapple
5. Strawberries
6. Lemon
Now I'm very fond of most of these fruits in this beverage however the concern is how much fruit juice was actually used from each fruit? I can say that to puree a strawberry is quite a chore even for a juicer and you don't get much out of it. My guess is out of the 30% Juice that is in this drink alone I'm going to guess roughly 3.5% per fruit and veggie is in this drink which is less than 15% of the benefit you'd need daily so please don't use this as a replacement for the good ole whole fruit and vegetable. It makes a great drink to have with a salad or even a nice homemade burger but not alone unless you're on the go and in that case take a few with you.
12 vegetables. On to the vegetables!
1. Carrots
2. Broccoli
3. Celery
4. (not 100% sure) Kale
The reason I say Kale is I swear I see the nub of the leafy green at the bottom of the bottle.
Now I think personally Broccoli in a beverage is weird however it has a lot of iron which is great for you and my doctor always tells me it's not naturally made by your body so that's always a plus to have in a drink full of other minerals you need. Carrots help with vision and loaded with Vitamin A and Biotin and woman gamers that means awesome healthy hair, nails and flawless skin! I'd mention fiber but apples do that better justice than carrots. Celery is mostly water which is great because it's full of alkaline! Alkaline is a mineral that is not found in our natural water supply; it's pure and has a lot of health benefits that most bottled water can't compete's also expensive so eat the cheap healthy foods that contain it!
That about wraps up this aloe beauty drink it's great for you but it's not a very solid vitamin and mineral replacement.
~Just because you're a geek doesn't mean you give into the heat, eat well and game long!
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