I am a 26 year old Geek who dabbles in the love of Anime and Video Games PC and Console.
I live in a small crap town in Wisconsin where everyone knows everyone and even when you sneeze.
I've been an avid gamer and big anime fan since I was about 5 years old.
My first game ever was Turok! Which got me into loving aggressive flesh ripping monsters.
My first anime was Monster which I saw when I was 6 years old a very gory and psychologically intense anime that gave me chills and thrills for the rest of my life.
Not to brag but I happen to be a master of masters at Tales of series games.
My favorite video game for Console is....Tales of the Abyss or Grandia III (It's a real toss up)
My favorite PC game is World of Warcraft since Cataclysm
My favorite food is anything Asian!
I am a queen of my own domain in the kitchen it's my throne and I excel at all categories!
I have an IQ of 147 and I'm extremely proud of my intellect.
I have an English Major but plan to do nothing with it just love literature~
I am not a grammar nazi however I do hate how the youth today talks
I have Anxiety, Dyslexia with Math and tend to type so fast I forget to type like a person.
I am a pretty good anime artist but tend to shy away from commissions.
I am a Youtuber and proud to be one even if I'm small because I get to do this with friends!
I can't go on in life without having my hair a wild color
I am far sighted and near sighted (weird right)
I hate Trump and Phi for trying to take Net Neutrality away from us!
I hate politics but I also hate stupid people who believe Fox News.
I believe in a bright future and try to see the brighter side of things in life.
I tend to be very opinionated and honest however I have an open mind and a heart full of love.
I am Mixed Race and proud to be a mutt of 6 races haha.
I was adopted when I was 3 weeks thanks to my mom for doing so to save my life from my father who was trying to kill me because he was a PTSD Drunk who thought I was the spawn of Satan.
I want to move to California, San Diego to be around people who are a lot like myself.
I used to be a cosplay model for three years before I hated my body when I gained 80lbs from doctors continuously putting me on "Trial Medications" which resulted in my slightly bad health.
I work hard to lose weight and hope to start a Weight Loss Diary for other gamers who struggle like myself in the lazy days compartment and wanting to be healthy while enjoying life at the same time.
That's all haha. Subscribe to my channel to learn more about me because I talk too much!
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